My abs-workout program for these past two years has always been the greatest challenge of my workout. Whenever it's time for abs crunching, sit-ups, and toe-raise, I mostly get the lazy feeling of doing the program, hence, my abs has not developed yet that much too. Unless I try hard to flex every strand of my ab-muscles, hahaha!
The abdomen workouts outlined by Chris Fanning below are very different from my program though. It engages not just your abs, but also your torso. I am planning to incorporate some of the workouts in this program on my next ab-routine by third week of October.

Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart. Bend forward and place hands on floor near feet. With hands planted, bend left knee as you slide right leg across body (as shown). Return to start; repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do 15 reps.
* Works abs, shoulders, butt, legs

Start in plank position supported on forearms with hands clasped and heels raised. Bend left knee and pull left leg into chest as you lift hips toward ceiling (as shown). Return to start; repeat on right side for one rep. Do 10 reps.
* Works abs, shoulders, arms, back, butt

Lie faceup with knees bent, feet flat. Squeeze butt to lift hips off floor as high as you can. Lower hips to floor, then lift them off floor, bringing knees toward chest (as shown). Return to start; repeat. Do 15 reps.
* Works abs, back, butt

Sit with knees pulled into chest, hands on shins, feet flexed and slightly off floor. Roll onto right hip, bracing yourself with both hands, as you extend legs to left (as shown). Return to start; repeat on left side for one rep. Do 15 reps.
* Works abs, arms, butt, legs

Kneel with hands behind head, elbows out. Keeping hips stable, contract abs as you curl upper body toward navel without pulling on neck (as shown). Return to start; repeat. Do 15 reps.
* Works abs, back, hips

Lie faceup with heels resting on the edge of a sturdy chair, legs straight, holding the ends of a rolled towel taut, arms overhead. Sit up, reaching arms toward toes, then twist to right and to left, keeping towel taut (as shown). Return to start; repeat. Do 15 reps.
* Works abs, arms, back

Lie on right side, legs stacked with right knee bent, left leg straight, head on floor and elbows bent in front with left hand cupped over right fist. Keeping arms stiff, push off right arm as you lift torso, left elbow and left leg as high as you can (as shown). Return to start. Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
* Works abs, arms, hips, legs

Lie faceup with arms and legs outstretched, forming an X. Lift upper back off floor, cross left leg over right and lift legs straight up as you reach arms, palms together, past left knee (as shown). Return to start; repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do 15 reps.
* Works abs

Lie faceup with arms extended overhead, palms up. Contract abs and draw knees toward chest as you lift upper back off floor and grab soles of feet with both hands (as shown). Hold for 10 seconds. Return to start; repeat. Do 15 reps.
* Works abs

Lie faceup with heels resting on the edge of a sturdy chair, legs straight. Squeeze butt and lift hips off floor as high as you can, bringing arms straight up over chest, palms in (as shown). Return to start; repeat. Do 15 reps.
* Works abs, butt, hamstrings

Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees soft. Bring left knee toward chest, hands around shin. Reach arms forward, palms together, as you extend left leg behind you without arching back (as shown). Return to start. Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
* Works abs, arms, back, butt, legs

Kneel with right leg extended to side, toes forward and hands behind head, elbows out. Keeping lower body and neck stable, bend torso to right (as shown). Return to start. Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
* Works abs
Okay sana, kaso nakakatamad :P
ReplyDeleteOo nga, kakain nalang ak Pedz :D
ReplyDelete:D wag kayong tamarin...
ReplyDeletehello there thanks for visiting my blog
ReplyDeleteyup i agree that these steps and procedures are will be very effective to dvelop and make your abs and torso in good shape^^